
Freelance Fluids Particles artist, 3D & VFX Generalist

Specializations: 3D Fluids Artist, Dynamics Objects Simulator, 3D Particle Effects


3D Simulations and effects

Using particles and VDBs to create liquids, water, bubbles, fire, smoke, explosions, lava, chocolate, sand, snow, rain, clouds, energy effects, crowds, oceans, destructions, and soft objects.


3D Animations, Visual Effects, Compositing

VFX shots with cars, planes, spaceships, engines, and mechanics, combining live action with 3D animations, camera tracking, and render passes. Providing invisible effects and procedural animations.


please send an email and I will get back to you.
Working remotely with clients across the globe
+ 44 774 3000 five six four

Email: mail AT

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128 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX


Vahid3D has been delivering 3D animation and VFX for cinema, TV, broadcast, online platforms, and prints to clients worldwide.
Virgin Media: Delivered over 20min of rendered animated contect for Tivi view project
Tendril Canada: Delivered various tv adds and particel shots view project view project
LavaStudios NY: Delivered various vfx shots for the tv show Just beyond view project
Giantsteps CA: Rendered various online banner ads view project
Goldensq Post London: Delivered various projects view project
Fold7 Uk: Delivered paint fluids simulations view project
Channel4 uk: Delivered 3d animation for kiss100 view project
Blockhead New Zealand: Delivered various particle simulations for Disney world view project view project
MTV uk: Delivered 3d animation for EMAs event view project
Jonasandco CA: Delivered various vfx, fluids sims view project view project view project
Nice Biscuits UK: Delivered various vfx, fluids sims and general 3d view project
VFX supervisor on Nicole scherzinger music video Wet: view project
VFX supervisor on Michelle Pahn youtube video: view project
VFX supervisor Luckyboat tv ad: view project
Absolute post uk: delivered various projects view project
Paul Mccartney concert background videos view project
Agency Republic UK: delivered various projects view project
VFX, 3D and particle simulations for Movie: Killer inside me view project
Madonna candy tour concert background animation view project
Various vfx, particle simulations at ScanlineVFX view project view project
fluids simulations for SAATCHI SAATCHI UK view project
Delicates Machine Canada view project
Some of other Vahid3D's clients have included Smoke And Mirrors UK, Box TV UK, Publicischemistry UK, Time Warner Cartoon Channel UK, Allofus UK, Final Strike Games USA, Fortemusfilms UK, Mesmerizestudios USA, Th1ng, HubMedia UK, Fullhome USA, Publicischemistry UK, Happyfinish UK, Runeentertainment, DGP UK, ChartshowTV UK, and UK. Vahid3D's clients appreciate his skill and expertise in creating high-quality 3D animation and VFX, and his ability to bring their visions to life.


Vahid3d is a highly skilled and dedicated freelance 3D/fx particles fluids artist and technical/creative director. With a passion for creating photo-realistic fluid, fire, smoke, and particle effects, he has spent years honing his technical skills and artistic vision for combining these effects with live-action footage for compositing.
With a deep understanding of the technical aspects of 3D animation and VFX, and is skilled in a wide range of software and techniques. He is proficient in creating complex simulations of fluid and particle effects, and has a keen eye for detail and a creative approach to combining these effects with live-action footage for compositing.
In addition to his technical expertise, he is known for his ability to work efficiently and effectively under tight deadlines and always delivering high-quality to his clients.
With a proven track record of success and a passion for pushing the boundaries of what is possible with 3D animation and VFX, Vahid3d is a valuable asset to any team. He is always looking for new challenges and opportunities to grow and expand his skills, and is committed to using his talents to bring his clients' visions to life.
BA(Hons) 3D Animation and Design at Ravensbourne University London


Vahid3d's mission is to create photo-realistic 3d animation, fluid, fire, smoke, particle effects, destructions and combining these with live-action footage in compositing.
With my specialized knowledge and expertise in these areas, I strive to bring a high level of realism and sophistication to my work, and to create engaging and immersive visual experiences for my clients and audiences.
Whether I am working on a feature film, a commercial, or any other type of creative project, I am dedicated to delivering the highest quality effects and compositing work possible.
I am constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible with 3D technology, and I am always seeking new and innovative ways to bring my visions to life.


a freelance 3d artist and 3d generalist works as a 3d artist in animation or vfx industry as director of vfx and creative director

vahid3d is A self-starter and owner of vahid3d. Able to multi-task in 3d 2d vfx cgi cg particles and effects. problem solver and work under deadlines strong eye for design and details. good communicator able to work autonomously or collaborate as a team world wide. vahid3d is Freelance Particle fx 3D Artist motion graphics artist vfx expert houdini artist freelance 3d houdini artist fluids ocean tools houdini artist water houdini artist houdini vex artist houdini pop artist freelance 3d artist houdini houdini simulation artist london uk houdini particles artist london product animation 3d product simulation 3d banners 3d online banners online banners product ads product advertising also in creative consulting and Animation Studios and 3d animator London freelance making 3d water smoke or powder artist london 3D Vahid3d can be a Freelance art director london or worldwide. best 3d animation studio for abstract animation and art projections. Is a 3d animated water creator or creator of cgi water or cg water. can also create fire and a fire creator. cgi operator who can create fire water fog rain smoke. maker of water and fire. Can work as a freelance 3d producer in or europ and create 3d animation as a studio or as freelance. A productions cgi studio freelance creative Director expert London and visual effects consulting expert. 3d electricity effects, 3d animation energy effects, fire smoke fog foam bubbles. Digital internet data transfer effect. HUD design artist, 3d radio waves waveforms design. 3d 2d retro design effects. abstract 3d dancing people effects,synthwave photoreal cgi or cg with particles or dynamics. effects for music videos. 2d data visualisation and 3d visualisation with motion graphics or 3d animation. water animation, ocean, clouds animation artist. river sand beach animation. 3d grid or wireframe large scale animation for projection and outdoor 3d mapping also 2.5 mapping. Creating 3D landscape as a 3d studio for example in freelance 3D artist Sydney Works with digital advertising agency and can make 3d ink simulation powder sand simulation in . Freelancing as an FX Artist in the UK . Has been at creative agancy and worked with 3d producers worldwide. Can make Realtime interactive 3d animation as a 3d artis. best animation artist best expert 3d Artist creating dancing powder water art animation best freelance 3D artist in and freelance realflow maya artist Freelance 3d. Can be a Freelance 3d Designer artist or Freelance 2d designer phoenix fx artist krakatoa artist and give services in 3d Art. Creative designer and Art director as Top 10 3d artist worldwide. Like in singapore as a 3d artist or designer in singapore or other asian countries. can create 3d animation for as an 3d artist in los angeles LA california. Can cover the cities freelance 3d. Best 3d Animation Studio List 3d Studio freelance artist. 3d water fountain 3d bottle with water pouring 3d animation sea and people as digital holograms future visual design like holograms and expert fluids artist leading 3d artist and leading compositor leading vfx artist 3d creative animator and designer for outdoor holograms and projections strong After Effects animation skills vahid3d is A self-starter 3d artist generalist. able to multi-task in 3d 2d vfx cgi and cg problem solveer and work under deadlines strong eye for design good communicator able to work autonomously or collaborate as a team Live-action compositing best 3d generalist dubai vahid3d has the ability to take a project from start to finish like 3d ocean with light effects. Beautiful Examples of 3D Elements and animation on this webpage. water reservoir river sprinkle vahid3d can create 3d animation and 3d fluids for tv and web, and for 3d website, 3d Vray Lighter freelance realflow artist dusseldorf Cinema 4D all rounder After Effects Specialist 3d flame and fire fog coulds and sky as photo real and cam use AI artificial intelligence for retro animation or high end animation as a leading designer and freelancer or 3D CGI explosions 3D Animation Studio 3d animation studio water fluids with scrippting and script. Freelance Visual effects supervisor and 3d generalist Creative and Concept with 3d animation. realflow expert Could work with 3d Corporate Identity and VFX Studio and dubai Freelance tyflow 3d artist or houdini artist artist london uk and worldwide best freelance 3d blender artist dubai 3d generalist data visualisation. can use particular for after effects afx and nuke for compositing as a fx TD. Uses ember gen EmberGen for smoke and fire and also phoenix fd phoenixfd. realtime 3d interactive Freelance Designer designer artist Traditional and 3d Digital artist Digital Design Video top 10 freelance artist London fx studios london fx studios london particles artist best simulate effects 3d three dimensional artist Freelance Visual Effects Artist UK realtime 3d for holograms holographic and holograms Freelance realflow and EmberGen and phoenix fd expert or also called fluids artist or 3d fluids artist or 3d liquid artist freelance After Effects Animators cinema 4d artist and freelance 3d generalist cinema 4d xpresso artist 3d xpresso uk 3d freelance artist Designer 3D Motion Graphic Production Artist 3d stereoscopic 3D Animation Studio dynamic effects cinema 4d artist freelance studio xparticles 3D CG smoke Digital Agency UK 3d design studio freelance realflow artist Shanghai Director of Post Production and 3d generalist particular artist Los Angeles and dubai cgi industry 3d wasser foam bubbles 3D animation Presentation 3d 3d artist showreel 3d work and CGI 3D water splash explosions Freelance FX artist UK best 3d animation studios freelance realflow artist Australia 3d designer new york After Effects Animator 3dartist 3d anaglyph artist dubai 3d powder best fume artist Cinema 4D all rounder 3d animation design lotion bathe bath water bottle 3d drink bottle dressing clean cleanse wasihng drench lake loch pond pool famous 3d artist 2020 2019 popular 3d artist invention 3d creator desginer originator designer lotion dubai ointment cosmetic application preparation merchandise produce solutions flood hose fluid moisture wet wetness damp petrol gasoline gas solution juice liquid fluid sap extract taille practical scientific applied applying science technological high-tech hi-tech engineering artefact 3d sand and 3d ocean or water and beach 3d 2d technical animator powder simulation crowd animation with wet 3d spray 3d splash and soap freelance 3D artist Rome freelance 3D artist France After Effects Specialist character animation studios AE animator compositor Animation 3D Computer Generated 3d freelance 3D artist 3d frag and can make electricity 3d 2d vendor and artist 3d Toronto reelance 3d artist artist San Francisco 3d 2d supplier CGI 3D breake 3d studio max Freelance CGI Artist UK 3d fire Smoke Artist fumefx vehicle models water artist Freelance Nuke ARTIST UK freelance realflow artist New York Superstar Senior AE Artists freelance realflow artist Santa monica Senior 3d Sydney for 3d projection in or worldwide. CG artist can make splashes or 2d Artist can make 3D animation in Santa monica, Generated 3d people as a freelance visualisation maker 3d animations in Irvine Jacksonville 2d and 3d artist Effects Anchorage sand beach larger as Cincinnati or Minneapolis. Antonio 3d effects and 3d fluids or 3d water, After effects in foam large scale 3D renders and simulation of 3d beer 3d radio wireframe for 3d bubbles. 3d advertising with fire 3d powder and 2d and 3d visualisation or viz in Creating 3d animation for Philadelphia or as a designer in Sacramento. makers and shakers 3d energy in animation or Oklahoma. 3d fluids artist, or fluids 3d simulation waves in Anaheim digital data transfer animation with Animated 3d clouds as an Artist at effects. 3d data animation also called motion graphics. can make fumefx in 3d ARTIST studio supplier with 3d ocean, and Baltimore 3d water Freelancing 3D animator or 3d design. creative an studio 3d Smoke at santa monica water freelance Long CGI artist. 3d artist 3d generalist Indianapolis or Washington. HUD design with max UK. realflow 3d artist or san Francisco with 3D animation. effect. cgi vfx or visual effects Artists 3d animation mapping data. can be contacted at Las Vegas and 3d fire or digital waveforms Computer animation. artist studios Columbus . making ads for soap. AE and smoke and water simulation Specialist motion in dynamics. Can as 2d fob water retro effects, 3d San Francisco AE vehicle as animation, grid Chicago expert. videos models can 3d use Nuke for compositing in Miami 3d beach Works Dallas breake consulting crowd wet in electricity Orlando Pittsburgh City particles artist music 3D ink Artist Denver worldwide. 3d landscape Phoenix 3d abstract Austin and freelance animation 3d 3d generalist artist. 3d fluids UK 3d or realflow a artist, simulation river 3D freelance 3D and design freelance Lexington example 3d powder artist 2d freelance 3d 3d compositor Portland animation France technical Digital 2d 3d design mapping. freelance agency Louis and as dancing make 3d graphics Atlanta effects interactive in san francisco Realtime artist Rome Italy frag with animation animator Superstar in agency 3d artist Toronto character also artist Boston 3d outdoor Raleigh worked 3d Charlotte Orleans ocean UK Cleveland a 3d 3d Corpus Nashville effects San Diego effects. 3d Freelance with spray for 2d 3d fluids internet electricity San smoke make 3d 3d with sand visual 2d CGI and FX. sand producers Freelance.

a 3d artist

virtual reality freelance realflow artist Vancouver 3D agency Freelance Krakatoa Artist UK EmberGen and synthwave retro animation Freelace Liquid Artist UK 2D 3D ANIMATION AGENCY and 3d generalist 3d FX TD Freelance Pflow Thinking particles UK freelance

3d artist porfolio 3D crowd 2D 3D Compositing 3d generalist data visualisation vahid3d is specialized in 3d dynamic simulations and 3d physical simulations. Producing Liquids water fluids fire smoke fog snow sand destruction explosions atmospheric effects for tv ads, online advertising, film motion graphics outdoor video mapping and outdoor large screen events. freelance 3D artist UK freelance creative directions Animation Effects three D artist and freelance 3D artist Australia CGI 3D breaking cg fracture 3d freelance 3D artist Berlin 3D Animation Studio particle studio freelance 3d artist europe with data visualisation freelance 3d artist and realflow Buenos Aires Argentina 3d generalist afterburn artist and freelance 3D artist Rio De Janeiro freelance designer and 3d generalist freelance particle artist 3D Animation animation Studio for 3d fluids and water or honey or choclate simulation freelance vfx Post Production

freelance 3d Creative Director 3D CG VFX Artist realflow artist Dusseldorf

freelance krakatoa artist freelane promotion 3d explosion artist freelance designer 3d artist Osaka Japan generalist UK freelance 3d motion graphics designer artist Las Vegas freelance maya artsit Animation Director and fluids 3d director Music Video Production 3d crowds animation studio freelance 3d designer

Freelance Visual Effects Artist UK technical animator uk freelance particle flow artist 3d Producer Freelance ad agency freelance producer film producer movie producer

Freelance 3D max Studio Artist UK London 3d schaum dancing pople club animation concert animation with logo reveal revealer motion graphics effects slowmotion ocean river splashes, water splash London Maya Dynamics 3D movie production Freelance Nuke ARTISTs UK London CG Supervisor for plexus effects and ocean waves and oncea foam freelance gfx designer london freelance artist LA and 3d artist or is cgi artist in zurich schweiz bern oder deutschland 3d designer Artist for water particles effects in Brussels London landscape productions freelance designer london bern zurich and schweiz or Switzerland can be working for oslo norway or rome as a cgi effects operetor can cover the areas sydney brisbane newcastle melbourne as a 3d artist or compositor 3D Animation Studio UK and Creative Director 2D 3D CG CGI and awesome VFX Artist realflow artist post production Phoenix FD artist, PhoenixFD freelance artist with blender dynamics UK or New york and LA Graphic Designers or 2d artist and 3d artist 3D Virtual Environments 3D locations and environments Transformations and morphs at our visual effects studio UK NEW LA Australia sydn Character animation, crowds of moving animals and humans Cars, planes, motorbikes, spaceships, engines and mechanics Water and liquids Integration of computer graphics with live action and Retouch Invisible effects and Color corrections procedural animation 3D stereoscopy Animations 3D Animation and Visual Effects for commercials, feature films and 3d generalist freelance viz artist, gold, silver, chocolate, mud, water, cream,oil freelance realtime RT New york to Costa Rica San Jose music videos freelance 3D artist Norway Oslo and Czechia Prague television series 3d liquid water consulting with realflow or unity3d CG Production and CGI productions interactive 3d animation for museums and displays title sequences interstitials logos websites bumpers banners. freelance graphic designer mocha artist new york vizRT animation with realtime concepts real time visualization artist freelance 2d concept Animation Studio UK freelance real flow deutschland Creative Agency UK best 3d max artis 3d fracture animation for medicine 3D Animation Studio UK 3d digital agency freelance which provides 3d generalist can work remotly for Brazil Brasilia or Cameroon Yaounde 3d graphic designer

design studio

motion design studio dusseldorf projection and water simulation wasser simulation as 3d animation 3d deginer for Chile Santiago China Beijing, also for Colombia Bogota taiwan. vahid3d realflow expert houdini particles blender 3d max designer for advertising agency egypt 3D Concepts Animations Fiji Suva Finland Helsinki France Paris Fluids and Dynamics Visual effects for Ecuador Quito 2d graphic designer for Denmark Copenhagen Freelance CG Artist UK freelance water artist and Stereoscopic 3D artist and LA or New york newzealand auckland wellington best animation studios commercial studio for expert fluids artist and liquid artist simulation could work for Ireland Dublin as remote. also Italy Rome and Japan Tokyo. also for Jordan Amman and Kuwait Kuwait City freelance director motion graphics or 3d kunstler freiberufler Germany berlin visual effects studio UK Freelance Real Flow Artist UK freelance 3D artist United States krakatoa artist taiwanUK Greece Athens motiongrapher UK CGI CG and Visual effects supervisor freelance 3D artist Toronto best realflow artist and ANIMATION STUDIOS UNITED KINGDOM animation production companies united arab emirates realflow freelancer cg animation portfolio for freelancing company design consultancies freelance realflow artist Canada Digital Animation Freelancer Freelance 3d artist spain deigner for Malta and Valletta and animation as fare as Mexico Mexico City artist designe Liechtenstein Vaduz Luxembourg artist designe Could be contacted from 3d artist designer Laos Vientiane animation 3d desginer director Monaco and Netherlands Amsterdam or 3d animation Iceland Reykjavik Freelance Technical Director UK Photorealistic 3d CGI artist Photorealistic product visualization CGI artist Freelance 3D animator in freelance 3D artist Tokyo designer in malta artist in malta animation in malta vfx 3d animation studio Qatar Doha animation compostior afx Portugal Lisbon motion graphics animation Panama Panama City particle artist for New Zealand Wellington Motion Graphic Production Artist Belize 3d generalist Freelance maya particle artist and degner Belmopan Benin 3d La Paz and Bulgaria Sofia 3d design artist Creative Agency UK and Belgium Brussels 3d animation consulting lighter 2d nuke after effects compositor Belarus Minsk freelance 3d artist and liquid fluids water artist Sydney and paris AE Compositor freelance 3D artist Paris animation and vfx studios uk flussigkeit artist wasser kunstler deutschland berlin particle artist 3d wasser artist freelance Designer 3D Guinea-Bissau Bissau fume fx Maya FX Artist freelance vfx artist Los Angeles 3d and 2d art director portfolio designer 2d artist Hungary Budapest particular artist FUME FX artist cg and cgi industry and freelance real flow artist England 3d artist website CG Supervisor particle studio 3D crowds and CGI animation animation studio water ink Television Film Web Print Billboard High Resolution Advertising Illustration Imagery Stereoscopic 3D artist Photoreal CGI artist Porto-Novo vahid can cover freelance vray artist new york freelance artist Argentina Buenos Aires as an 3d artist or motion graphic artist, Australia Canberra, 3d artist deginer Austria Vienna freelance fluids artist Russia Moscow Freelance Real Flow Artist UK LondonSaudi Arabia Riyadh Photoreal CGI artist Singapore Singapore vfx 3d vfx GI artist Cape Town smoke artist london CGI artist Spain Madrid 3d cloth simulatio 3d 2d vfx CGI artist Sweden Stockholm creative artist 3d CGI artist Switzerland Bern vahid3d is 3d CGI artist as far as for United Arab Emirates or Abu Dhabi freelance 3d CGI artist United Kingdom London art directions best 3d animation studios "particular artist LA 3Ds Max artist after effects nuke tyflow stardust artist afx freelance studios freelance realflow artist Rio de Janeiro Freelance AFX Artist UK freelance fume fx artist vfx production company 3d cloth simulation particular artist artist Bogota Colombia freelance mocha artist Los Angeles freelance taiwanrealflow artist Moscow Russia and artist new york freelance Motion Designer CG Agency freelance realflow artist Paris France Freelance 3D max Studio Artist UK Freelance Fluids Artist UK freelance 3D artist Shanghai

smoke artist london CG Lighting TD Supervisor